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Bravantic translates what we believe: Adding vitality to companies’ business

Writer's picture: Pedro GilPedro Gil
Pedro Gil | President & CEO
Pedro Gil | President & CEO

Pedro Gil, CEO of Bravantic, formerly Informantem, addresses the company's new reality, what it expects for the future and how they seek to help organizations – not only Portuguese, but also international – to evolve.

What led Informantem to rebrand to Bravantic?

After 26 years of existence, we have evolved into a new brand, reflecting the new positioning in IT and IS services, to meet the needs of our customers. Given all the changes in recent years, we realized that the old brand no longer kept up with our offer as well as with expansion into different geographies. Today we are a large global business group. We have more than 2,500 employees and are present in Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Brazil and Dubai.

Evolution is part of Bravantic's DNA. This rebranding seeks to follow this evolution?

We have evolved to see ourselves as a driver of a value ecosystem, provide new IT and IS services, and be recognized as trusted advisors responsible for promoting and accelerating the growth, innovation and digital transformation of our clients.

Bravantic reflects what we believe and where we want to go: adding vitality to companies' businesses and with the ambition of becoming the best integrator in the universe of Information Technologies.

We live in a period of great uncertainly. How do you seek to reinforce your relationships and give your customers a future with technlogical vityality?

It is the uncertainties that promote great discoveries. These were very challenging years for everyone, including us as suppliers, facilitators and consultants of Information Technology and Information Systems solutions and services. Out of every ten companies globally, six decided to accelerate their digital transformation during the pandemic. Changes today are not just contextual, but deeply systemic and force organizations and their leaders to recognize the essential role of technology as the main asset generating or driving new business or new remarkable customer experiences. We are the right partner for this new paradigm where the needs of technological security, the unequivocal value of data intelligence, efficient information management, the passionate interface with users through digitally impeccable customer journeys, the robustness of support infrastructures business and also the concern with environmental and energy sustainability, today occupy such an important place in day-to-day business decisions.

As this type of demand increased from our customers, we became extremely aware of our differentiation in the market, leveraged by the consistency of our values ​​– adaptation, human relationships, security and enthusiasm – and applied knowledge, offering a powerful network of skills (internal and external) at the service of the challenges facing us.

But I would like to highlight one of our most important structuring values ​​of our entire culture: the solidity of human relationships, materialized in the construction of long, strong, lasting relationships based on trust.

What services are you providing to your customers?

Bravantic presents a vast portfolio to our clients, represented by all our Business Units and our Ventures. We currently have offers in the areas of Digital Workspace, Cybersecurity, Tech Innovation, Digital Solutions, Managed Services, Data Center Infrastructure & Facilities and Enterprise Networks. But we don't stop there. Through our business ventures, we have developed a technological transformation business in the Healthcare area (with Quattro), in the Low Code area with a global presence (S4Digital), in the human resources area (with SRM in Brazil), among other companies in strategic geographies that consolidate our portfolio. Additionally, with this rebranding process, we created two new areas that are absolutely strategic for us: the NBA (New Bravantic Academy) which will become a reference in executive training in the area of ​​IT and IS, as well as Bravantic Greenhouse, our innovation factory and incubation of innovative offer from our clients, potentially generating new business as well as qualified partnerships with tech startups. Finally, if the skills we develop and the ecosystem solutions we activate are very important to us, applied industry knowledge now plays a central role in our strategy, developing centers of excellence in the areas of the public sector, retail and financial services.

What can be expected from the future of Bravantic?

We are a company with confidence based on the solidity that our history gives us and we have diversity as the greatest inspiration to create the innovation that the future demands. More than ever, we want to mark the societies in which we operate, with the purpose of putting technology at the service of human well-being and the sustainability of the planet, essential matters to ensure the world of tomorrow. And always putting people first.

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